Kitchen Sink Theatre
Reimagining theatre for everyone.
"A person's ability to communicate does not depend on them mastering a particular set of skills; it depends on our ability to listen."
-Joanna Grace, The Sensory Projects
Kitchen Sink Theatre reimagines theatre to be accessible to all audience members. We believe that high-quality, interactive, sensory theatre experiences should engage participants in a variety of ways, meeting their individual needs. Our values of creativity, respect, and inclusion are weaved into everything we do.
The impact that we have on our planet is at the forefront of our minds. By caring for our planet, and making choices that reduce our carbon footprint, we care for each other and future generations.
We make every effort to carefully choose props that have had a previous life and will continue to have a use once our show is wrapped. Our first show, Box, featured second hand boxes and paper, and everything from that show can and will be used again. Sustainability and being in complete harmony with our Mother Earth is both our mindset and our lived way of life.